Network Elements

SP-35 (RTU-E)

Deployed at remote geographical locations this ethernet/IP RTU-E forms the primary alarm gathering and control element in the NMS architecture.

The SP-35 RTU-E primarily operates as an intelligent alarm gatherer and control element within a Network Management System (NMS). Its ability to operate with a variety of communication protocols enables it to be installed in a wide range of locations. The SP-35 RTU-E has a dedicated number of digital alarm/event inputs and control outputs (24 inputs and 4 outputs).

Supports ethernet and dial-up PSTN communication

Can be deployed in locations with PSTN communications for cost effective upgrades at a later date to ethernet/IP

Supports up to 1,024 alarm points

Download the SP-35 RTU-E data sheet

SP-15 (RTU)

Deployed at remote geographical locations this lower data rate RTU forms the primary alarm gathering and control element in the NMS architecture.

The SP-15 Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) addresses the need for a cost effective solution to integrate third party equipment(s) with proprietary protocols into a common management solution. Additionally a configurable number of control outputs and alarm inputs, including analogues can be accommodated. Communications with the RTU can be by means of auxiliary or overhead working channels at a number of data rates. Resilience can be accommodated by using a ring configuration, where the RTU is polled from either East or West direction.

Deployed in a ring configuration for added resilience

Multiple derivatives including Copper Line Interface

Supports up to 1,024 alarm points

Download the SP-15 RTU standard option data sheet

Download the SP-15 RTU copper line option data sheet

Plug in Modules

The range of Plug In Modules (PIMs) allows our RTUs to be easily configured to accomodate a diverse range of alarm monitoring and control functions.

Our off the shelf equipping options include

Digital input

Relay control output

4-20mA Analogue

Cable theft

Download the Plug In Modules data sheet

Environmental monitoring

Environmental Monitoring is achieved through the use of a standards based 4-20mA PIM Interface. This interface can be used to capture analogue values generated by 3rd party devices such as Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensors used for Environmental Monitoring as well as simple applications to monitor the level of fuel or water tanks, battery voltage etc. The related NMS GUI can be customised to suit the application.

Download the Environmental Monitoring PIMS for RTU data sheet

Cable Theft monitoring

Our cable theft monitoring system provides a cost effective solution to this problem by use of a specially developed Plug in Module (PIM) that can be fitted to our range of Remote Terminal Units (RTUs). This special double width PIM can be fitted to both SP-35 RTU-E and SP-15 RTU – the type to be used will depend on the proposed networking arrangements.

Download the Copper Cable Theft PIM data sheet

Security monitoring

The digital input PIM supports security monitoring utilising PIR devices and smart logic to provide a high confidence intruder alarm at the NMS. Additionally the local smart logic can initiate announciation followed by a high volume intruder alarm for unauthorised entry.

Download the Security Modules PIM data sheet